2013 Annual Report Download 2013 Annual ReportFRANÇAIS

Corporate Values

Seven key values drive Canaccord employees and management in delivering results to our shareholders, clients and community. They support our unwavering commitment to building lasting client relationships, creating shareholder value and generating innovative ideas.

Pursuing and living up to these values is a responsibility we take great pride in.

1 We put our clients first.
We develop deep trust with our clients through detailed consultation, appropriate investment ideas and value-added services.
2 A good reputation is our most-valued currency.
Integrity and respect for client confidentiality are the basis of all our relationships.

3 Ideas are the engine of our business.
Our ability to generate original, quality ideas – for clients and for ourselves – positions us ahead of the competition globally.
4 We are an entrepreneurial, hard-working culture.
We believe that highly qualified, motivated professionals working together in an entrepreneurial environment results in superior client service and shareholder value.
5 We strive for client intimacy.
The more detailed our understanding of our clients’ needs and objectives, the better positioned we are to meet them.
6 We are dedicated to creating exemplary shareholder value.
We are committed to aligning the interests of our people with fellow Canaccord shareholders through share ownership. We believe that ownership motivates the ideas and efforts that lead to value creation.
7 To us there are no foreign markets.
Our clients benefit from our truly global perspective. We deliver insightful, actionable ideas from both local and international markets through our continued pursuit and evaluation of global opportunities.